
The Millennialist
My personal story
Searching God's Word Daily
Greetings from the Millennialist! (It is a pretzel...no smoking here! More on that later). What is a Millennialist? Well, because of when I was born, I am considered a "millennial" and I have come to appreciate that term for my generation as I am looking forward to the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ.
I am a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. I consider myself a Berean, emulating those first Bereans who "received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11b). That is why this ministry exists, to search God's Word together to see what God says for Himself to us, rather than taking the words of any man or agent in the world at face value as having any bearing on the Truth. Let God speak for Himself in His Word.
I have served in Church ministry for 10 years, administering a ministry of the Word of God, through teaching on the Bible and encouraging the Body of Christ to think on God's Word and share with one another daily on the Word of God. This was truly one of the greatest experiences of my life. And The Millennialist ministry is intended to continue that legacy of sharing a daily focus on what God has given us in His Word to help us grow in our relationship with Him through the ministry of the Holy Spirit in us, who teaches us by the Word of God.
A bit about my education - I attended university and have two degrees, one in Geology and one in Geophysics, specializing in planetary and solar system physics. Since graduating, I have worked in Oceanographic engineering and aerospace, so I have knowledge in hard science and applied science. From this, I have learned much about the false narrative that science and God's word are in opposition to each other. This is not true, and, Lord willing, I hope to share more about that in this ministry as we go along.
Okay, the Pretzel. After graduating, I worked at an engineering firm, and I noticed that their employee handbook gave smokers extra 15min breaks during the day. I was not a smoker and this seemed unfair. My boss said I was welcome to take up smoking and then I could have the extra breaks. So, I went to the grocery store and bought pretzels and stood outside like an idiot, pretending to smoke them with the other smokers taking their break, and I got my extra 15min break in the fresh air. It began a sort of perennial tradition for me - after all, one shouldn't take oneself to seriously, lest we develop pride.
I pray this ministry of encouragement and edification in God's Word is of use to you in strengthening your understanding and conviction in your walk with Jesus Christ in these last of the last days as we anticipate and watch and look forward to His return for His Church, His Bride.
"He who testifies to these things says, 'Yes, I am coming quickly.' Amen. Come, Lord Jesus." (Revelation 22:20)